Shelley Caldwell Mitchiner Broker, MIRM, Manager New Homes Division
- Direct: (919) 306-4662
- Office: (919) 847-7140
- Fax: (919) 847-7182
- Email: scmitchiner@gmail.com
Shelley Caldwell Mitchiner has been involved in the real estate business since 1976 when she became a Residential Builder and Real Estate Broker. Co-founder of appleTREE New Homes & Land, a full service Real Estate Company specializing in the sales and marketing of new homes and land, in 1993.
Shelly has been an active participant in the Wake County Home Builders association serving as Vice-President in 2008 and 2009, associate of the year 2013, Chairman of the Dream Home Showcase for 5 years, recipient of Parade of Homes Awards, Chairman of the Ideal Home Show and winner of 2001 and 2009 Presidential Award. Additionally, she is a member of the Raleigh-Wake Board of Realtors, a member of the Institute of Residential Marketing (MIRM) and licensed Real Estate Broker. Over the years Shelley has been involved in winning over 25 MAME and other marketing awards.
Since receiving her Bachelor and Master of Science degree from Southern Methodist University she continues her educational training by attending National Home Building Seminars, Real Estate Continuing Education Classes and is a Certified Sales Professional instructor.